
by Roland Smith

One of the best books I have ever read was Peak by Roland Smith. I was sucked in by the first page. I have read a bunch of books by Roland Smith but this one is sure to be the best.

This book is about 14 year–old Peak Marcello from New York. He loves climbing. There are no mountains in New York City so he decides to scale sky scrapers. This is not legal in New York and he gets caught by the police. He has a choice: he can move to China with his dad who he doesn’t even know because his parents are divorced, or he can go to juvi. He does not want to go to jail so he decides to go with his dad. He goes and climbs the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. He faces many hardships and meets characters like Sun-Jo and Zopa. This book is amazing.

Reviewed by Declan

18 responses »

  1. Colston says:

    This book is a great book.

  2. sammy says:

    im going to read it, it is an honors book after all! 😉

  3. Daeja says:

    Nice, I was looking for a good book! Thank You Declan!

  4. Owen S. says:

    I am reading it now, it is so good!

  5. Soph says:

    I thought it was called Peak because of climbing to the peak I didn’t know it was his name. Any way I wonder how good it is. I might try it. Also that was a great review it really tells me a lot.

  6. sammy says:

    yeah it does look good soph

  7. Alipie says:

    I love this book!

  8. Addie says:

    Yeah, it looks so good!

  9. Addie says:

    I agree with Soph! I thought it was about climbing a peak, when actually the book is about a boy named Peak!

  10. Alipie says:

    Ya 🙂

  11. Daeja says:


  12. Addie says:

    Oh, I started that book but I didn’t finish it. Is it good?

  13. LiLi says:

    it sounds so good

  14. LiLi says:

    i really want to read it but im so bysy reading other books

  15. Domo says:

    Greatttt book. I wonder why it wasn’t a newberry.

  16. cole the mole says:

    I have read peak. It is an excelent book. Everyone should read it.

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