Newbery Award

      This Newbery Award goes to Darren Shan for his intriguing book Cirque du Freak: A Living Nightmare. I pick this book because it is full of suspense and is very engaging. It has a wonderful plot and includes a lot of relatable scenarios. This book has amazing writing and vocabulary.

      Darren Shan takes you into a new world where he will tell you about a boy named Darren and his friend Steve. Darren and Steve go to a freak show and that is going to change  Darren’s life forever. This book pulled me in and it will pull you in too. So, go into Darren Shan’s world and read this wonderful book A Living Nightmare.

Reviewed by Eden

18 responses »

  1. Declan says:

    Nice job Eden. I was looking for a good horror book. This looks really good.

  2. sammyrose11_2 says:

    ill definitely read it. I’ve seen the movies they’re really good! thank you so much Eden!
    🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Soph says:

    I started reading this book but it started to scare me in the first page.
    Should I try again? Still that was a great review

  4. Alipie says:

    Hey Eden. Nice job!

  5. Camille your student says:

    The book is fantastic! I read it and I was intrigued.

    • sammy says:

      if you don’t belive in monsters its actually a great book and the movie .
      i really don’t think any one on this blog is afraid of monsters and vampires ant that sort of thing so any one can really read it. 🙂

  6. sammy says:

    whoops I forgot to edit!

  7. Daeja says:

    Good Book!

  8. Alipie says:

    I REALLY want to read it!!! I don’t seem to have the time though… 🙂

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